May 21, 2024
Koninklijke Nederlandse Bouwkeramiek (KNB) switches to using circular plastic return pallets
Dutch brick producers united in the Koninklijke Nederlandse Bouwkeramiek (KNB) will switch to using circular plastic return pallets. In collaboration with Circular Plastics as chain manager and pallet producer Cabka, a plastic return pallet has been developed. This will replace the wooden pallets in the entire logistics process, from factory to construction site, including the ...


Moederdag bloemen 2
May 10, 2024

A sustainable flower bouquet for Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is approaching again, which means a busy period in the horticultural sector. Flowers have been a symbolic gift ...
April 25, 2024

New EU rules to reduce, reuse, and recycle packaging

On Wednesday, April 24, the European Parliament adopted new measures to make packaging more sustainable and reduce packaging waste in ...
February 16, 2024

Early introduction of blending obligation

The Dutch government requires that Dutch manufacturers of plastic products must use a minimum percentage of recycled plastic in the ...
February 9, 2024

Collaboration between the Netherlands and Belgium improves traceability of plastic waste

Stichting Afvalfonds Verpakkingen, now known as Verpact from March 1st, and Valipac, the Belgian organization for the management of industrial ...
January 24, 2024

Third prize Greenovation Award 2023 with the Eco Flowerbox FECT

We are super proud of the third prize we won with the Eco Flowerbox / FECT. The Eco Flowerbox / ...
January 19, 2024

How should companies anticipate the increasing demand for plastic waste?

On behalf of the Dutch chemical, plastic, and waste industries, the international accounting and consulting organization KPMG conducted research on ...
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